Entering an addiction treatment program can be intimidating. You’re putting your health and well-being in the hands of others, hoping they can help you shed your substance abuse habit where your own willpower and individual effort were not enough. Yet there’s reason for optimism if you put yourself in the right hands.

By listening to stories of successful drug recovery journeys at Good Landing Recovery, you can know you’re finding hope in making them your rehab destination.

Good Landing is a Christian addiction treatment facility that uses a faith-based yet clinically proven approach to rehab to ensure their patients get the best possible care for their addiction and are prepared for a lasting recovery to better avoid relapse and maintain sobriety.

They have a host of testimonials from patients who have successfully completed treatment at Good Landing and are happy to tell others about their experience there (all patients are identified by initials alone to protect patient anonymity).

For instance, for patient RM, Good Landing was the latest but most successful stop on her experience with addiction.

“I have been on this Journey for a while and Good Landing was my last landing,” she said. “I have taken so much from Good Landing and really appreciate and thank God for Trey Lewis and his vision. Since I’ve been here, I have learned how to set boundaries, how to love, help other people, and most of all how to seek God in everything I do.I loved the program so much that I have entered into the internship. My goal in life now is to give back as much as I can because that’s what I got from Good Landing.”

Patient MG said Good Landing was the right choice for him, both for his health and spiritually.

“Good Landing was a really good kickstart to leading me into a life of sobriety,” he said. “It strengthened my faith and my walk with Christ.”

And patient ZJ had nothing but good things to say about his experience with Good Landing.

“Most of my life growing up was in addiction and I felt the need for change,” he said. “Good Landing was a facility I never heard of until an hour before I was in the vehicle headed there. When I arrived, I immediately found a great community of people, supporting staff and a lot of love in the group that I’m around. It’s really helped me to recenter my life and regain control. This has just been an amazing journey!”

There are many other such stories happening at Good Landing every day. They emphasize a spiritual approach to treatment that can help patients reach sobriety while building a better relationship with God to make for a greater, more lasting recovery.

Finding hope in the stories of successful drug recovery journeys can make it more likely you will have such a story one day. Give Good Landing call today and find out what they can do for you so you can tell that story.