Rehab can be a hard process for the addict seeking recovery from substance abuse. From the detox process to rid the body of drugs to the treatment portion to teach the patient how to resist and overcome future cravings and avoid relapse to the early recovery stage when the patient must then put into practice what they learned in rehab and actively stay sober, it can be a trying time for a person weakened by substance abuse and striving to find their health and equilibrium once again.

That is why the rehab process is important, as through this treatment the addict can work on building resilience in addiction recovery.

One of the insidious aspects of addiction is how it can wear down a person’s resolve and leave them weakened and susceptible to further substance abuse by, essentially, a wearing down of willpower. The addict is unable to hold to any resolve or work through difficulties, their entire purpose subsumed to the need to feed their addiction. They can eventually get to the point where they would betray almost anyone or anything they hold dear if it prevented them from taking another drink or getting another hit.

While detox can help the addict wean themselves off of the physical need that fuels their addiction, it cannot prevent the addict from continuing to desire the substance that has become in many ways the center of their life. Psychologically, the addict is still addicted, still wishes to feed their substance abuse problem. They will remember the good feelings it provided, rather than the negative aspects that ensued, and perhaps desire to return to their addiction against their rational judgment.

Even for the addict who wishes to end their substance abuse and shed their addiction, willingly entering rehab and working toward recovery, it can be difficult to resist addiction when push comes to shove. Good intentions and logical thinking can fall by the wayside in the face of temptation, as something can trigger a craving and send the recovering addict back into relapse and destroy any progress made in rehab.

Building Resilience in Addiction Recovery

This is why the rehab process is vital to teach the recovering addict the resilience they will need to resist such cravings and temptations to remain sober and on the path of recovery. Coping mechanisms and strategies are mixed with therapeutic counseling to give the recovering addict not only ways to remain sober, but the renewed willpower to stick to that resolve through sheer resiliency.

At Good Landing Recovery, such therapy is part of the overall experience of recovery and addiction treatment. Patients are taught ways to stay resilient and remain sober in the face of adversity so that they can not fall back into addiction and avoid a return trip to rehab.

Finding the willpower to resist addiction upon leaving recovery requires the recovering addict to rediscover a resiliency they likely lost in the throes of substance abuse and addiction.

By building resilience in addiction recovery, the addict can avoid the horrors of relapse and a return to addiction and all the struggles that entails. Good Landing can provide the treatment to help an addict do just that. Give them a call today and find out how to start now.