It’s seen so often – in book, movies, TV shows, horribly perhaps even through a neighbor’s kitchen window – that it’s become a cliche, if one drenched in horrible truth: the drunken father coming home in a drug-fueled rage and takes out his violent urges on his wife and children.
Despite the seemingly hackneyed nature of the association, it's one that unfortunately rings all too true: substance abuse is often inextricably linked to domestic violence.
Exploring the connection between substance abuse and domestic violence can show us the ugly nature of both and why one suffering from the pair must seek help for themselves and loved ones as soon as possible.
The statistics are all there, for those who seek them out. According to American Addiction Centers, a nationwide network of rehab facilities, studies proliferate showing connections between substance abuse and domestic violence.
For instance:
- Between 25 and 50 percent of men who commit acts of domestic violence also are involved in substance abuse.
- 80 percent of child abuse cases involve the use of drugs and alcohol
- Women who abuse alcohol or drugs are more likely to be the victims of domestic violence.
These are not harmless figures. They are hard, cold data points that the misuse of drugs and alcohol can lead to the abuse of spouses and children in a frighteningly large number of incidents.

Now, some who suffer from such cases might try to deny the connection or say that what they experience does not rise to the level of domestic violence. But domestic violence doesn’t always have to involve direct violent acts to another person. Domestic violence can include verbal, emotional and physical intimidation, from anything to making threats to destroying property to indirect violence, such as inflicting pain on pets. From there it can escalate to full violent attacks, including forced sexual acts and various forms of assault, from hair pulling and slapping to full on hits and punches.
Now not every addiction lead to domestic violence. If your loved one is abusing drugs or alcohol, they may never take a turn for the violent. But if they do, it’s imperative to get them help and through doing so help yourself as well. Getting doctors involved is much better than waiting too long and watching the police get involved.
Good Landing Recovery can help you find the proper treatment for your loved one and get them the care they need to root out the addiction and hopefully end any domestic violence before it gets even worse.
Domestic violence is a scourge that can damage relationships, destroy families and end lives. It cannot be allowed to grow and fester in the life of your loved one and your family. By treating your loved one’s addiction and putting an end to their substance abuse, you can end that scourge and save your family before things go too far.
Give Good Landing a call today to start the process of helping your loved one discover the connection between substance abuse and domestic violence and how to sever it once and for all.