We created a place, unique from other drug rehab centers, so that men and women who are trapped in the bondage of addiction can find real freedom and walk out of this hell of active addiction and into a place where they can experience true freedom of free price.

We are a full medical clinical program that means we’ve got a staff psychiatrist, we have two nurse practitioners, we have seven therapists, we also have an ordained minister, a worship leader. We’ve got an additional thirty support staff to be able to create this environment that facilitates real change.

Charlie Campbell (Chief Operating Officer):

We’re not here just counting numbers or counting people in the clinical census. We’re here because we believe that every number that comes through that door for substance abuse treatment represents a name, a story and lives that need to be transformed.

Mary Brooks, LCSW (Clinical Director):

The best approach for me is really a person-centered approach or just meeting a client where they are. They all come with different things on why they got to this place so really when you first meet a client, we’re all about getting in personal, doing some intakes, learning about their life process and then creating treatment for addiction plans and things that’s not a one-size-fits-all.

Holly Lewis (Founder):

Jesus is always about putting the axe to the root and getting to the source, cutting it down so when they come to the landing, we will teach them how to get to the so they will learn how to break free and experience the true abundant life that Jesus promised them.

Trey Lewis:

When somebody gets to Good Landing Recovery, they are going to get up in the morning in a really nice house. We have swimming and tennis departments. We have some residential locations that are incredibly nice. They’re going to get up in the morning, do a devotion. They’re going to eat breakfast, and have a quiet time. They’re going to arrive at the office at around 9:30. That is where they’re going to go into groups with very dynamic speakers. We have really incredible facilitators that are donna be able to speak into their lives, be able to teach them about addiction, be able to teach them about new coping skills to be able to walk out of addiction. They’re also going to have a certified personal trainer – coach Scott Green who is phenomenal.

Scott Green (Certified Fitness Instructor):

How I take fitness and what I want to do here at Good Landing is I want to take fitness in and I want to bring it to the guys. When you walk into the room and we’re working out, you don’t see it. It’s so much more than that. I’m teaching them the structure. And when you have structure in the gym, that structure will follow you outside.

Rush Jolly (Director of Clinical Outreach):

We know that none of this will get done like this company doesn’t exist. Your sobriety doesn’t exist. Nothing could exist without the power of God. So we’re huge on that. We’re huge on culture and community. We believe in the power of relationships with people who are on the same path as we are. I think for a lot of clients that do come here, they meet lifelong friends. They meet people that they’re gonna be friends with for years and years to come. They’re going to guide them through this recovery process and just help them. Just be that shoulder that we all need at times.

Trey Lewis:

We want to be able to create an environment and not just have them stuck in some facility where they’re looking at four walls but we go out and take them to the movies. They go out and play laser tag, they go bowling and to the arcades.

Mary Brooks:

It’s not just “I came here and I got a curriculum”. It’s “I came here and I changed my life”. So I really encourage my clinicians to keep that rapport, keep that conversation going, check in with the client and say “okay, how is this working for you?” “how is this not working for you?” “what else can we add into this?” Like I said, we really want this to be a person centric. We want this to be something that is going to empower each client. Not just 50%, not just 70% but each client. We want them to leave with something.

Trey Lewis:

And we want to really create this kind of adventurous social aspect of a new life, this new sober life that they are embarking on. So to be able to create good community shows people that the sober life is not this life sentence to boredom but it’s actually gonna be a whole lot of fun.

Charlie Campbell:

I’m not just a professional coming into an office environment or a practitioner coming into a clinical setting. I’m a person that has a mission – to see people win in life and to see people come back from tragedy to triumph.

Trey Lewis:

There was a young man from my hometown 29 years old, his name was Cliff Hagan and he died of an overdose and it rocked me to my core. I’ll never forget that one of his family members shared one of his baby photos on Facebook and it resembled one of my children and when I saw it, it literally shattered me, rocked me to my core where I said no longer am I gonna sit on the sideline, play it safe but we’re gonna jump off this ledge and see what God’s gonna do to be able to set people free from active addiction.

Scott Green:

Almost 3 years ago, I lost my only son to alcohol addiction. Suicide. I know it sounds crazy but when I’m here, it gives me a lot more peace with him and I feel like I can give back and I want to help the guys in Good Landing.

Trey Lewis:

As far as I know, we’re the largest standalone PHP IOP sober community in the Atlanta area and what that means is that when somebody gets here, it is going to be an attractive environment, an attractive community that people are going to look at and say “I know that it is possible to be able to know real freedom”.

Mary Brooks:

First come in, the lights usually dim in their eyes. Being able to be the person that helps navigate that and see from dim to a little bit brighter, like putting in all the puzzle pieces.

Trey Lewis:

Early on in recovery coming out of active addiction, I’m just routing past the average American household looking at these neighborhoods and thinking is it even possible to have something like that. To me the chasm seemed so wide that there was no way that I was able to have any kind of life that I would ever be proud of. To know that there is nobody outside the reach of God’s grace that He can reach down, take somebody and put them in a life they could never even imagine. I mean, I look at my beautiful wife now, 5 children who love me and respect me and just the life that I have today where I’m just able to pour into people’s lives and to show them freedom from active addiction. It’s just God’s grace.