Addiction is seen by many as a physical condition. The addict, through repeated use of an addictive substance, develops an actual chemical dependence on the substance and will suffer physical symptoms of withdrawal if they do not continue to take the substance their body now actually feels it needs to function properly.

Addiction is equally a mental health issue as it is a physical condition that assails the body. While the chemical dependence produced by an addictive substance is a physiological concern, addiction attacks the mind at the level of mental health just as much as it attacks the brain on a literal, physical plane.

Much as a repeated pattern of behavior can become an ingrained habit with time and practice, addiction can become a habit in the same way, beyond the actual physical dependency. The addict looks to get another hit, another smoke, another drink, not just because their body chemistry demands it, but because their actual mental state depends on it. They can’t relax without taking another hit of their substance of choice. Their mental rhythms become connected to their substance abuse, until their peace of mind is entirely intertwined with continual use of the illicit substance that has claimed their attention, mind and body alike.


As addiction takes a firm grip on the addict, the mental health strain only grows. The addict may start to link their own sense of self-worth with their addiction. They can develop a sense of inadequacy, perhaps even full-blown depression, because of their addiction, or their inability to shake it off.

The natural effects of a highly developed addiction can only add to that strain. Addiction can hurt relationships and sever friendships, leaving the addict feeling isolated and set apart, which can in turn lead to greater mental health struggles.

Overall, when allowed to grow and fester over a long period of time, addiction can lead to serious mental health issues and struggles. This, in turn, can lead to an increasing spiral of dependency and addiction, as the addict, overwhelmed by their mental health struggles, either resists attempts to help or refuses to consider assistance to shed their addiction at all.

But there is help. Proper addiction treatment and rehab therapy doesn’t just stop at detox and ending the chemical dependency that affects the body, but also engages in therapy and other treatments that works to heal the mind and help the client shed not only the addiction itself but all the mental struggles and baggage that came along with it.

Good Landing Recovery can help the addict find mental health relief if they simply have the courage and commitment to reach out and ask for that help.

Don’t let addiction harm not only your bodily health, but your mental health as well. Get the treatment you need to find healing and redemption, physically, mentally and spiritually, at Good Landing and find the recovery that is in your reach, if you can only make the effort to seek it.