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Addiction Treatment Programs

Guiding You Through Your Road to Recovery by
Treating the Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit.

Good Landing Recovery was developed to provide services to individuals who have or are at risk of developing an abusive relationship with alcohol, drugs, and/or other addictions. Through a team approach, and with the active and ongoing participation of the patient, our overall goal is to improve the quality of life of those who come to us for treatment for addiction.

Good Landing Recovery believes that treatment for addiction is a threefold disease. It is physical, psychological/emotional and spiritual. We acknowledge the fact that drug and alcohol addiction is a treatable illness. With the drive and desire to seek out a treatment for addiction, anyone can learn to live a sober life. Our focus on treating mind, body, soul, and spirit helps ensure patients have everything they need to stay strong and avoid future temptations.

We believe that by providing a healthy, faith-driven therapeutic environment, the recovery process for those in need will be enhanced.

Good Landing is a client-focused program. Everyone that comes in for treatment for addiction is important to us. We see them as a person in need of help, not a number! We view each patient is a unique case. Our goal is to create a customized recovery journey so that our patients have the opportunity to resolve their addiction and enter long term recovery in a way that works for them.

All of our services are provided through a faith-based approach. This means we combine traditional drug and alcohol addiction treatments with prayer, Bible study, and worship. We encourage all of our patients to put their faith in Christ as “with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).

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The services provided encompass a wide variety of therapeutic settings and intervention modalities

Partial Hospitalization (PHP)

Partial Hospitalization is the most intensive of our programs, allowing patients to attend a 5-day treatment regimen, running between the hours of 9:30a.m. and 9:00p.m.

This is different from an inpatient program. Our patients return home at night instead of staying at one of our facilities and do not come to Good Landing on the weekends. This allows them to remain in the comfort of their home while still receiving the treatment they need.

While attending PHP, Good Landing also offers the option to stay in our Christian Discipleship Living program which is a dormitory style lodging component, creating a 24/7 care environment monitored by our staff. This eliminates transportation issues to daily treatment and for some can offer a calm and supportive atmosphere when their own environment is a precipitating factor for substance use.

The typical length of stay in our PHP program ranges from 2- 4 weeks depending on progress. At this intensive level of care, our team of therapists, facilitators and professionals, empower recovery through coping skills delivered in multiple daily group therapy sessions. We also improve the odds of long-term recovery by helping our patients get to the root of their addictive patterns through individual weekly counseling and family sessions as needed.

All this work is paralleled with oversight weekly by our team of clinicians and staff psychiatrist. Through our PHP program, our patients can re-establish themselves and lead responsible, successful, drug-and-alcohol free lives using our proven model of recovery and possess a thriving relationship with Jesus.

Intensive Outpatient (IOP)

Much like PHP, our Intensive Outpatient rehab program provides a concentrated schedule of group therapies and individual counseling. IOP can be utilized as a transitional step-up or step-down program. IOP is much less restrictive than PHP and offers 3 or 5 days a week of programming between the hours of 9:30a.m. and 2:00p.m. We also offer evening options between 6:00p.m. and 9:00p.m.

Patients will attend group therapy sessions for nine (9) hours per week and one weekly individual session with their assigned therapist. Family therapy may be recommended throughout the process if deemed beneficial by the therapist.

Our IOP program provides a concentrated schedule of group therapies and individual counseling. IOP can be utilized as a transitional step-up or step-down program. It’s ideal for those who are continuing to work, go to school, or care for their families. Patients continue to live at home and can get treatment for addiction without the need of making large changes to their lives.

Our IOP patients receive monthly psychiatric and medical checkups. If more intensive medication monitoring and administration is needed, the patient will be assisted by our caring staff to arrange treatment. IOP offers much more freedom and allows patients to receive the treatment they need while still being able to maintain their daily lives and complicated schedules. Many patients in our IOP program will also take advantage of our Christian Discipleship Living program as well.

The first step for most addicts is to go through the detox process. During detox, the body purges itself of drugs. This process leads to withdrawal because the patient is no longer using drugs. This can cause a wide variety of different physical symptoms, including sweating, shaking, and restlessness. The type of drugs used and the length of their use determine how severe these symptoms are. Some withdrawal symptoms can even include seizures and heart attack, so it’s vital that the detox process be done under the care of a professional.

We offer a number of services related to therapy and overcoming addiction. Our patients will work one-on-one with our addiction specialists as well as participate in group sessions. In some situations, we may even ask the patient’s family to attend family counseling sessions.

The type of therapy used in treatment for addiction varies from patient to patient depending upon their addiction history, their situation, and other factors. Sometimes we will use a combination of these therapy methods.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is used to help the patient determine the cause of their addiction or uncover thoughts and feelings they weren’t aware they had. By uncovering and working through these thoughts and feelings, they will be able to identify why they began abusing drugs and discover ways to avoid relapse.

Biofeedback is a way of understanding why the body reacts the way it does to specific stimuli. This can be used to determine how a patient’s brain reacts to situations. By understanding these reactions, the patient can learn how to adjust their expectations and behavior.

Holistic therapy is one of the main types of therapies used here at Good Landing. It focuses on healing the entire person, not just the body. We believe that a patient’s overall well-being is important and vital to treating addiction. By working through the emotions surrounding addiction, treating its physical symptoms, and feeding the spirit through daily worship and prayer, we build up our patients in all aspects of life.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy involves improving a person’s self-esteem and teaching them positive ways of managing stress. Since stress is one of the biggest triggers for many addicts, it’s important that they learn how to handle it without turning to drugs or alcohol.

Motivational Therapy helps patients learn how to make and accept changes in their lives. It’s vital that every patient adjust their behavior so they are less likely to relapse. Motivational therapy helps them understand why change is necessary and how to effect that change.

Many of these therapy forms can be used to treat patients who have co-occurring conditions. These conditions include post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and bipolar disorder. These conditions often lead patients to use drugs or alcohol, so drug addiction treatment without addressing the co-occurring condition often doesn’t provide the patient with all of the help they need. Many of these co-occurring conditions get worse when drug abuse, leading the patient to use more of the substance to further deal with the condition. This leads to a cycle that must be broken in order to fully overcome the addiction.

Aftercare Services

When a patient leaves Good Landing, we continue to keep in contact with them as needed. We can assist them in finding support groups such as AA or NA in their areas and with other resources that will help them remain sober. Of course, our team is always here if a patient needs to talk or needs to return to treatment.