Substance abuse and addiction recovery is, in many ways, about finding redemption. The recovering addict seeks to move past their past of addiction and accompanying tragedy and find peace in a new lifestyle based on sobriety. To do so, the recovering addict must find a way to move past any former faults and find forgiveness from others to discover a new path forward into a life without substance abuse. 

Discovering this path can be difficult, but with a bit of divine intervention, it can be done. By focusing on Christian principles in addiction recovery, the recovering addict can be better assured of finding redemption from substance abuse.

Addiction treatment can be a long, arduous process, and facing it alone can be daunting, yet while the recovering addict will have the help of doctors and nurses, therapists and medical professionals, as well as, it is to be hoped, the moral support of family and friends, ultimately rehab is something that remains a solitary process. Everyone around the patient will help in every way they can, but only the addict can take the actions to stave off addiction, and only the recovering addict can choose to continue acting in ways that promote sobriety and avoid relapse.

But with reliance on Christian principles in addiction treatment, the addict can in fact face their substance abuse with help from a greater source of aid than any one could otherwise hope for: God.

Many undergo addiction treatment without any reliance on faith or religious beliefs and reach sobriety. It is certainly possible to find recovery without a Christian base to treatment. But those who are treated in faith-based programs are statistically less likely to relapse later and are more likely to testify to the greater relief they experienced in rehab through reliance on God and divine providence.

Christian principles are a natural fit with addiction treatment, too. A regimen of sobriety that encourages resisting temptation, acknowledging individual weakness but encouraging developing inner strength through faith and devotion, and turning to a higher power to find assistance with fighting against addiction is essentially the core of any addiction treatment program. It just so happens to describe the basic approach to faith and life for a practicing Christian, too.

In fact, programs like Alcoholics Anonymous often have a similar approach to sobriety, simply using more general euphemisms for God to encourage a more ecumenical feel to their famed 12-step program. Christian principles are at the heart of many a treatment plan, whether faith-based or ostensibly secular.

At Good Landing Recovery, patients can receive top-flight care with a firm base in Christian principles, knowing they can rely on the program to reach a greater recovery and find redemption from the wreckage of substance abuse and addiction.
Rehab and the long recovery process afterwards can be a difficult process for many a recovering addict, but it doesn’t have to be faced without a bit of divine assistance. By using Christian principles in addiction recovery, the recovering addict can find redemption and reach a lasting recovery.