We all think we know drug and alcohol addiction when we see it, but truly recognizing it for what it is can be harder than one thinks at times. After all, not everyone sitting at the bar is in the grip of alcohol dependence. Watching someone get too tipsy in a night out with friends, or even get black out drunk in a moment of weakness, may be concerning for some reasons, but that alone is no proof of addiction, either. But it’s important to know you have a problem when the time comes to seek out treatment for your own addiction.
There are signs you need detox if you can focus on recognizing the symptoms of drug and alcohol dependence.

Addiction is an insidious disease, sneaking up on a person who might think they have their substance use under control, only to find use has turned quickly into abuse when they weren’t looking. Yet there are clear signs, if you know what to look for, and it’s important to keep an eye on these symptoms for when they might appear.
Such symptoms can include:
· Feeling you need to use an addictive substance on a regular basis, perhaps daily or even more
· Urges to use the drug that block out any other thought or desire
· The need to use larger and larger amounts of the drug to get the same effect you once got from a smaller amount
· Spending money you can’t afford on drugs or alcohol
· Slacking off on work obligations and duties due to using an addictive substance
· Cutting back on social activities and recreational events due to drug and alcohol use
· Continuing to use the drug even when you recognize it’s causing problems
· Taking actions to maintain your drug use you previously wouldn’t have done, such as lying or stealing to continue your lifestyle
· Failing to stop using the drug or alcohol
· Experiencing withdrawal when you attempt to stop using drug or alcohol
These are just some of the signs you might notice of addiction, but they’re hardly the whole picture.
Of course, symptoms of drug and alcohol dependence that seem obvious in black and white may not seem as clear-cut to the addict when they’re happening in real life. It can be all too easy to discount the evidence or argue for mitigating circumstances or outright ignore such signs. After all, you’re not as bad as someone else, maybe, someone with a “real” addiction. You don’t have a problem, right?
Wrong. Such symptoms must be recognized for what they are and action must be taken. If you don’t detox when you have the chance, you could miss the chance and find worse consequences down the line.
Good Landing Recovery can help you recognize the symptoms of drug and alcohol dependence and get you the help you need to end your addiction through detox and rehab treatment.
Don’t ignore the signs you need detox. By recognizing the symptoms of drug and alcohol dependence, you can fight back and get help before it’s too late. Call Good Landing to get started today.