Addiction treatment does not end when the patient leaves rehab. Oh, that marks the end of a major phase of the recovery process, certainly, as the recovering addict is no longer under the direct care of doctors and therapists at all hours, but the end of rehab is no wise a “cure.” It is simply the next step of recovery and requires a new set of priorities and treatment options. This is where recovering addicts must consider the importance of aftercare in continuing support beyond rehab.

Aftercare is exactly what it sounds like: it’s a form of therapeutic care that occurs after the patient has left rehab and addiction treatment under the direct care of a medical doctor. It can take many forms, depending on the needs and preferences of the recovering addict, but without it, the recovery process is likely to be a much harder time for the newly recovering addict.

Aftercare should be tailored to the patient’s needs, but generally it will include similar elements from person to person. It may include individual therapy sessions for the addict to continue seeing a therapist directly for support and possible medical treatment if necessary.

It will likely include group sessions as well. Support meetings, in which recovering addicts gather to share their stories of struggle and success, can be an invaluable part of an aftercare regimen, continuing the therapy that patients got from group sessions within rehab in a new form outside of the rehab program.

Many support groups will also pair a newly recovering addict with a sponsor, a recovering addict who will serve as a mentor to answer questions, lend support during times of temptation and resisting cravings and offer advice and assistance as needed.

If the recovering addict has a healthy network of family and friends, they, too, can serve as part of a person’s aftercare, lending their own support and assistance where needed and desired.

The important part of aftercare is not what form it takes — that is a discussion to be had with your doctors and support network before you leave rehab, so you aren’t jumping in without a safety net to start your post-rehab journey — but that you have it in place for when you need it. 

Continuing support beyond rehab is not just a friendly suggestion, but an imperative need. It could very well mean the difference between a successful recovery journey and a painful relapse into addiction and substance abuse.

At Good Landing Recovery, aftercare is recognized as an important part of the recovery process for a recovering addict and is emphasized for each patient. The treatment program makes sure to create an aftercare plan for each patient before they leave rehab and start their continuing recovery journey.

Addiction and substance abuse can be insidious bedfellows, difficult to shake and leave behind even after a full course of rehab treatment, but a properly designed and deployed aftercare regimen can help the recovering addict keep them at bay and avoid relapse.

The importance of aftercare in continuing support beyond rehab cannot be understated. If you’re a recovering addict seeking to avoid relapse, aftercare is a must. Give Good Landing a call today and let them help you get started.