Once a former addict has escaped the cycle of addiction, their greatest fear is that of relapse, of falling back into the cycle of substance abuse and finding it harder than ever to escape a second time. But while any recovering addict should always keep the threat of relapse in mind when making decisions on various issues, there are certain steps they can take to mitigate that threat and hopefully put an end to outright fear.

By using these strategies for maintaining sobriety, the recovering addict can overcome the fear of relapse and find peace moving forward.

It’s important to keep your sobriety in mind and work hard to avoid relapse, but outright fear is more destructive than helpful. Fear leads not to caution and prudence but to overreaction and stress. The patient in the clutches of fear makes poor decisions and leads an overly restrictive life in hopes of avoiding relapse to the point of hurting their very quality of life.

To put an end to fear, the cautious patient needs a plan. This will involve using certain strategies for maintaining sobriety which, if followed carefully but without panic or fear, can help prevent relapse without damaging your health or decision making.

Here are several strategies for maintaining sobriety:

  • Identify and avoid triggers. Relapse usually doesn’t happen without some cause, but such causes can be hard to identify at times. The patient must determine what environmental attributes can lead to cravings for illicit substances and then work to cut such things out of their life. Certain places, specific foods or smells, even individuals can all prove triggers to an addict. Find them and avoid them.
  • Build healthy relationships. One of the best elements for preventing relapse and avoiding triggers are strong, healthy relationships. Having good friends or loving family members you can turn to in times of struggle can make a huge difference. Confiding in your loved ones can help you find an outlet for destructive emotions or stress without turning to substance abuse.
  • Find a support group. Even your most caring loved ones, however, won’t necessarily know what it’s like to deal with substance abuse and the perils of addiction. At times, you need someone who has been where you have been and knows what you are facing and support groups can provide that for you. There, you’ll find other recovering addicts who can provide advice and a listening ear from a place of experience, and they’ll often be willing to help you when you’re at your most vulnerable if you turn to them in time of need.

At Good Landing Recovery, you can discover other strategies and tips for maintaining sobriety. With these in hand, you can battle fear and find a healthier way to work through recovery and avoid relapse.

You don’t have to live in constant fear and anxiety of relapse. Caution and careful planning can help you find a better peace through strong strategies for maintaining sobriety. Give Good Landing a call today and get started on implementing such strategies today.