There’s a common misconception that rehab is the end of addiction treatment. There’s a lot of focus on therapy within a rehab program but far less attention is paid to the need for further treatment options for a recovering addict after the rehab experience. While the idea of leaving treatment behind for a clean slate may seem ideal, it’s usually not very realistic.

Instead, for most recovering addicts, the continuing struggles of maintaining their recovery often mandate a need for further therapy in the form of aftercare. Indeed, the importance of aftercare in sustaining sobriety cannot be overstated.

Aftercare is a continuing treatment program that exists to continue aiding the recovering addict against their substance abuse problem and help them resist cravings and temptations to maintain their sobriety as part of a lasting recovery. Once the recovering addict has left a long-term treatment program, their problems don’t magically resolve. Aftercare treatment can take a number of shapes in different types of programs, but all of them are dedicated to helping in the early recovery process.

Aftercare is especially important early in the recovery process because that is the most likely time for a recovering addict to relapse. They are working to try and re-establish their daily routines and find a way to move forward without substance abuse and the unique stressors and problems of this transition period can be overwhelming without help.

Aftercare can take many forms. It might involve moving into a sober living facility for a time, or just attending an aftercare program at the same place you went for rehab. It can as intensive as a partial hospitalization program or more low-key, like attending support meetings for recovering addicts or meeting with a sponsor for periodic wellness checks.

The Importance of Aftercare in Sustaining Sobriety

No matter what form aftercare takes, it all serves the same purpose. It’s designed to help the recovering addict make healthy choices, deal with stress and anxiety and overall avoid triggers to maintain sobriety and prevent relapse. By providing the recovering addict with a steady presence of checks and balances, even after rehab, aftercare ensures they can continue to make good decisions and avoid destructive behaviors. There is always a reminder that they will have to account for themselves at their next meeting or the next time they meet with their sponsor.

Good Landing Recovery focuses heavily on rehab treatment, of course, but it also provides various forms of aftercare to patients who still need the therapeutic presence of a program in their life.This allows them to ensure they continue to keep their patients’ needs at the forefront, even as they leave addiction treatment to return to their life before rehab.

The importance of aftercare in sustaining sobriety is paramount to the addict’s continuing recovery. By ensuring the recovering addict still has a therapeutic presence in their life, even after rehab, aftercare can better keep the patient on the straight and narrow and keep them from relapsing at a higher ratio. To find the aftercare program for your needs, call Good Landing today and get started.