One of the open secrets of recovery from substance abuse is that you can’t really do it alone. Beating addiction really isn’t a solo endeavor, as the recovering addict needs the support of others around them to help them not only shake off addiction but to remain sober, as well. To best do that, the client should work to create a group of supportive friends and loved ones around them to help them when things are at their worst. Overall, building a supportive community in recovery is vital to maintaining that recovery.

Addiction is a lonely state to be in, even when surrounded by other addicts. Addiction is invariably an isolating state of being, separating you from others as it forces you to abandon connections in order to pursue feeding your addiction over all other priorities.

When attempting to leave addiction behind and defeat your substance abuse, though, the recovering addict may struggle to reforge former connections after growing used to being alone with their addiction. The isolation of their substance abuse can grow habitual, making it hard to reach out to others and get help from people around you.

Hopefully, however, addiction treatment can help start to break you out of such bad habits. Group therapy sessions, in which the client is encouraged to share their thoughts and feelings and find common ground with other recovering addicts, can help to thaw that emotional freeze addiction can create, but it cannot stop there.

After leaving treatment, the former addict should work to create a community of supportive people around them to better combat cravings and prevent falling back into addiction. This can include family members, friends, co-workers and anyone else that can be counted on to support you in such a time.

Building a Supportive Community in Recovery

It helps if such people are ones you see in person on a regular basis. Your best friend from high school may be one of your closest confidants, but if you only talk to them via text or Facebook, their support may not be enough when you need a word of support at the moment.

Finding a support group of other recovering addicts can help, too. Attending meetings where former addicts continue to share their struggles and triumphs can help remind you you’re not alone in your fight against addiction and that others have been where you are. Knowing when such meetings are held in your area can give you multiple options of when and where to go when cravings grow strong and you need somewhere to go to find like-minded people who can help you resist such urges.

Good Landing Recovery is a Christian rehab center that can help you find such groups, forge the bonds you need and help to overall build a supportive community in recovery. Their work doesn’t end when you walk out of their doors any more than yours does. They can help you build a plan and a network of people to execute that plan to help you stay sober and addiction free.

There’s no need to try and fight addiction alone when others are happy to help you in your struggle. Building a supportive community in recovery is not only possible but essential to long-lasting success and sobriety.