Once you’re out of rehab and addiction treatment, one of the first things you’re going to want to do is find some sort of support network which can help you battle ongoing cravings and temptations with the help of sympathetic peers and friends. One of the most common of such groups is the well-known 12-step program, such as seen in Alcoholics Anonymous and similar organizations.

But the 12-step program isn't for everyone, which may leave you scrambling around and looking for how to find support outside of a 12-step program.

There are various reasons a 12-step program may not work for some people. Some people may have gone through such a program before with less than satisfactory results and are now looking for an alternative. Others may struggle to find a group they feel comfortable with, or dislike certain aspects of the 12-step program methodology. The reliance on a higher power can turn some off from major 12-step programs, in particular.

Luckily, there are other options out there to provide support to those in early recovery from addiction and they can take many forms.

There are, of course, personal support networks, such as family and friend groups, that can help you and lend you moral support, but many recovering addicts need the help and mentorship of others who have struggled with addiction in the past. There are options for that in most communities, though, from church groups to other community groups using different approaches.

Here are just a few programs that provide support to recovering addicts without using a 12-step methodology:

  1. Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) Recovery. 
  2. Women for Sobriety.
  3. Secular Organizations for Sobriety (S.O.S.)
  4. LifeRing Secular Recovery.
  5. Moderation Management.

There are other programs with similar approaches, too, from holistic therapy programs to experiential therapies. They tend to focus on a self-reliant approach to defeating cravings and some are more malleable to new research findings than the more rigid 12-step programs can.

All of these programs can be found through a simple web search to discover chapters in your area or courses to take near your home. 

If you’re still not sure where to find a good program, however, try contacting Good Landing Recovery to discover what sort of support they can provide. While Good Landing, as a Christian based treatment facility, definitely leans on a higher power in its work, it doesn’t force such an approach on clients who are not spiritual and it has options for support and treatment that fall outside of the 12-step program approach.

Addiction treatment is far from a one-size-fits-all field and what works for some will not for others. The traditional 12-step program has helped countless people fight their addictions, but if it doesn’t work for you, there’s no shame in that and there are plenty of alternative approaches to take.

Don’t let your experience with one type of program discourage you from trying a different one. Every recovering addict needs a support network of some sort and there’s a type of group out there that can provide it for you, no matter your needs.

So get out there and find the program that works for you. If necessary, Good Landing can lend a hand to get you the right help for your needs. There is support outside of 12-step programs if you just take the time to look for it.