If your loved one is struggling with addiction, they still might not readily admit it. They might mistakenly feel they have it under control. They may be too ashamed to admit to their addiction. They might wrongly assume they can quit at any time. They will not reach out to get the help they need. They will need you to bring help to them. But first, you must recognize they need that help and that requires you to pay attention to your loved one and their situation.
But how, you wonder, can you know? How can you discover what ails them and realize what they’re confronting?
How do you know when your loved one needs help?
There is no one way to determine your loved one is struggling with addiction – every addict’s struggle with addiction is similar, but unique in its own ways. But there are certain signs that addicts tend to display when in the thrall of addiction, and seeing those present in your loved one’s life, particularly if they multiply over time.
Here are the possible signs of addiction you may observe to determine if your loved ones needs an intervention to find help for their struggle:

- Personality Changes
A once vivid persona may become sluggish or apathetic. Your loved one may show a sudden lack of motivation, display increased irritability or agitation. Such changes in personality can be a sign of the struggle with addiction and can get increasingly more prominent as the addiction worsens. - Bloodshot Eyes
Addiction can often take a physical toll, as well. In the grip of addiction, your loved one may display bloodshot eyes or frequent bloody noses. - Tremors
In addition, other physical behaviors may be observed. Your loved one’s addiction symptoms could include shaking, tremors or even slurred speech. While such behavior is often associated with a stroke or other medical emergency, long-time addicts can demonstrate similar behaviors from frequent exposure to their drug of choice. - Sudden Changes in Routine
Perhaps you know your loved one can always be found at a certain place at a certain time. And then, one day, they’re not there. Or the next. And other common behaviors they’ve always indulged in fall by the wayside. Such behavior could be a sign of any number of things – a sudden love affair, a change in employment or other activity – but in concert with other symptoms, it could be a sign of addiction and accompanying struggles. - Hygiene
An addict in the thrall of his addiction can become increasingly careless of anything not involving his addiction and the need to feed it. This can include personal hygiene. An addict can show increasingly poor hygiene as their addiction worsens. - Financial problems
A worsening addiction can cost money and present an addict with unusual money issues and shortages of funds. If your loved one is short of cash, in ways they weren’t before, and is hitting you or other family members up for money frequently, this could be a sign of an addiction and accompanying issues.
None of these symptoms are foolproof signs of addiction. Any of them alone or even in concert could be a sign of some other issue or problem.
But taken all together, they are a good indication that addiction faces your loved one and they need help.
If so, you will need help, as well. Good Landing Recovery can provide that help, to you and your loved one, to fight off addiction and find true recovery.