If you’ve made the difficult choice to enter rehab, the natural thought that comes next is to wonder what to expect from your time in rehab.
For many people, expectations will be based on little more than viewings of sensational movies and fictionalized accounts of celebrity memoirs. We may know that rehab is important from such sources, but it hardly gives us a sound idea of what rehab actually entails.
Of course, rehab is no one size fits all process in the first place. No rehab experience will be identical to another. Much will change depending on the facility you choose, the doctor attending you and the philosophy behind your treatment.
The form of addiction being treated will also make a difference.
While the basics may remain the same, treatment for certain dependencies may take a different tack than for others.
For one, you must decide whether you will be treated on site, staying at the facility for the duration of treatment, or not. Will you use a 12-step program or not? Will you take the traditional 90 day approach? 100 days? Or even more?
Good Landing Recovery personalizes treatment for each client, meaning no rehab experience will be exactly like another. Once you are accepted, your attending doctor will tailor your treatment plan to your particular needs as best care practices dictate.
At Good Landing Recovery, though, you can expect a few things to be true about your rehab experience no matter what addiction you’re treating and what approach you decide on.

- You will be treated as a person, not a number in a system or an anonymous patient without any particular needs. At Good Landing, we care about each client and work to make them comfortable and content, insofar as their treatment allows.
- You will have to work. Addiction is not something one simply shrugs off, or rehab would not be necessary in the first place. And even with special care and attention, defeating your addiction will not be a simple process.
- You will have the support you need. Good Landing will be there to help you every step of the way, until you have defeated your addiction and started on the path to true recovery once more.
- Your family will be a part of the process. While you may be isolated from outside influences in the early days of treatment, a proper support network is vital for long lasting recovery. Good Landing will include your family whenever possible, keeping them informed of your progress and allowing them to help you when the time comes.
- Good Landing will treat not only your physical addiction, but also will support your spiritual well-being as part of the recovery process. A secular rehab program can help you decrease your dependency on your addiction, but can leave you feeling hollow. Good Landing’s Christ-centered approach seeks to fill that hollow with faith, which can actually reduce your chance of relapse.
Overall, you can trust that your rehab process will be strenuous and difficult at times, but with the right support, you will be able to shed your addiction and find recovery at long last, with the aid of Good Landing Recovery.