It’s easy to brush aside promises of aid and relief when struggling in the bondage of addiction. How can other people know what you’re dealing with, anyway? You hardly trust yourself in such a situation, let alone those who haven’t gone through what you have.

But what about those who HAVE gone through what you have? Or similar struggles? What about their recovery stories?

At Good Landing Recovery, clients come in with all sorts of life stories, involving addictions of all sorts. There are heavy drinkers who mended broken marriages with help from rehab; children who restored their relationships with parents after years, even decades, on hard drugs; people who came out almost entirely different, ready to face life anew.

And there are recovery stories like that of Trevor (name changed to protect their privacy):

“Good Landing Recovery is where my life radically changed for the better,” Trevor said.
“I was born with a birth defect in my hands that caused me to have multiple hand surgeries all throughout childhood into adulthood. My first opiate was given to me when I was six weeks old. I have been on opiates my entire life which spun me into years of drug addiction. Three treatment centers later I end up at Good Landing broken beyond belief. My family had nothing to do with me and I was completely hopeless.” 

Thankfully that was not the end of Trevor’s journey, but only the new beginning.

“Six months later after being completely loved on just like Jesus loved, my life has been completely transformed,” said Trevor. 

“I’m back in school finishing my business degree and have had complete restoration with my family. God is good and his hand is on this ministry.”

Good Landing Recovery exists to produce results like this, where clients not only leave addictions behind, but find new faith in God through their clinical stay. Some are lapsed believers who re-commit to God during their stay, even being baptized. Others are non-believers who discover a relationship with God via Good Landing Recovery.

Not everyone leaves with a salvation story. Good Landing accepts people no matter their faith or religious background and clients are there to defeat their addictions, which doesn’t have to involve a commitment of faith. But Good Landing does encourage Christianity as a valuable part of the recovery process, for those willing to accept it.

And the clients are happy to tell everyone they can about their recovery story, like Tim here:

“I recommend that if you need help, if you need to be saved, if you want a place to make you feel like somebody, if you want stability, if you want comfort, if you need structure, if you need to regroup, if you want to rebuild, if you want to be happy, if you need someone who cares, if you want to know God, then Good Landing Recovery, my friend, is what I recommend to take that step forward, to strengthen oneself, to get to know your true self and establish the leadership role God has designed for you,” Tim said. “Your comeback story starts here!”