You know your loved one has a problem with an addiction of some sort. You know they need help, but also know they are unlikely to seek that help on their own.

What you need is the traditional intervention, in which you, preferably with the help of friends and family, confront the addict and inform them of your united desire to get them the help they need.

The first and hardest step in making a comeback from substance abuse is this heart-to-heart conversation between the addict and concerned person. It is especially difficult because it will catch the addict off guard, making them feel backed in to a corner and defensive.

It’s likely that you’ll need to gain the support and help from other concerned loved ones to help you get through this challenging conversation.

To start your intervention planning, you and any others involved in the process will need to find the answers to certain questions, including:

  • How will your loved one likely respond?
  • Do they have weapons?
  • Who do they respond best to?
  • Who controls their money?
  • Have they made threats to harm themselves or someone else?
  • What are the laws in your particular state that are in favor of getting someone help?

With these answers, you can go into an intervention with a plan that everyone has agreed to.

It’s important that you present a united front during the intervention. Everyone needs to be on the same page – there can be no disagreement between the support network once the plan has been agreed upon. If the addict sees disagreement at the intervention, they will take it as a sign that not everyone agrees that they have a problem. Any disagreements need to be handled away from them before the intervention begins.

Try and confront them in as neutral a way as possible. They will likely feel ambushed and be defensive, no matter what approach you take, but the less confrontational you are, the easier it will be to try and make your group heard by the addict.

Also, you must make sure any agreement you may come to is followed through upon. Your loved one may readily admit they have a problem with addiction, may even agree upon the need to seek help, but such agreement is worth little if they won’t actively seek that help. You must not only get their agreement, but make a plan to have them enter a rehab program as soon as possible, ideally on the spot before their enthusiasm to receive your help can wane.

If you can get them to agree to go into a recovery program at once – perhaps pack a bag for them on the hopes they will do so – you can get them help before the effects of any intervention can wear off and the addict can fall into their old ways of indulging their addiction once more.

If you need help or advice in planning an effective intervention, call Good Landing Recovery to get their assistance in getting your loved one help to treat their addiction.

With their help, you can plan a successful intervention and get your loved one into the program they need to help them find recovery from their addiction at long last.