You want to confront your addiction and remove its malign influence over your life, but at the same time, you’re leery of going into rehab. It’s a long time commitment and isn’t exactly cheap, either. Surely, you think, there must be other ways. Is rehab absolutely necessary for recovery?

After all, you might think, Jim from office beat smoking with gum and patches. Rob decided to stop drinking to lose weight and just quit cold turkey. Surely you can do the same, right?

Well, maybe. Smoking is addictive and harmful to the health, but also as a legal activity, has multiple treatment options, both prescription and non-prescription, you can easily gain without a clinical stay to fight such an addiction. 

Alcohol, also a legal drug, is more and less addictive from person to person. Some can choose when and where to drink on a whim, with no negative repercussions if they decide to abstain for weeks at a time, or permanently. Others can fall into a spiral of dependence with just a drink or two and find themselves unable to stop drinking without outside assistance. 

There are success stories out there, of course, of people who beat addictions, even serious ones, without a rehab program. They may have done so through enforced abstinence, whether or not of their own free will. They may have done so on their own or with a large network of help from friends and loved ones.

Some, it cannot be denied, may have kicked a habit entirely alone, through sheer force of will, though it was likely not easy. Some addictions can be incredibly hard to lose, causing physical symptoms of withdrawal alongside mental repercussions, and facing such problems alone is dangerous without the observation and care of a medical professional.

And such success stories are outliers, sadly. For every one person who, unaided and via output of willpower alone, beat their addiction, there are countless others who tried and failed without help of some kind.

Rehab is the help most people need to achieve the results they want in beating addiction.

The structure of rehab programs is not arbitrary, after all.  Clinical stays, 12-step programs, 90-day itineraries, all of these things are based on long custom, tried and true practice and medical research into the best approaches to helping an addict confront their problems and prevail.

By going into rehab and taking advantage of these successfully tested procedures, you greatly improve your own chances of success.

At a faith-based rehab center like Good Landing Recovery, rehab also involves a Christian focus on recovery and spiritual growth that gives the client additional help in beating addiction and greater chance of success and avoidance of relapse in the future.

It’s true, you don’t HAVE to go into rehab to achieve success against addiction, but the odds are not in your favor without the help rehab can provide, either. Why go into a fight empty-handed? By taking advantage of a rehab program, you have a much greater chance of success, not only in the short term, but the long term as well as you avoid relapse and stay healthy.