Not every client at rehab ends up there on their own impetus. Many must be persuaded to go into rehab by loved ones, as their addictions prove more enticing than their own desire to remove such an influence from their life. 

For those facing such an issue, they must ask, how do I get my spouse into the rehab that they so desperately need?

First, know that you are not alone in this fight. If you have noticed your spouse’s struggles with addiction, likely so have others. Seek out help from other family members, friends, co-workers, professional peers or fellow members of social clubs or church functions. The more people you can draw into this battle between your spouse’s addiction and their health and mental wellness, the more likely you can achieve success.

Rehab centers will often give you a checklist on how to convince your spouse or other loved one of their need for rehab and other medical attention. First is to identify your enemy. The enemy is not your spouse. They are a victim as much as everyone else in their circuit, trapped in a vicious cycle by their addiction.

You are seeking to help your spouse, as well as you and your family, by fighting the addiction itself.

Addiction literally alters the brain, making it more difficult for the addict to resist or fight back against the addiction on their own. They need your help.

Next, before any confrontation, you must set goals for what  you hope to accomplish in your loved one’s life. Obviously, you want them to kick their habit and shed the addiction. But what more do you want to see happen? Do they need a job? Do they need to focus on their physical health and fitness? Do you want to see a spiritual breakthrough in their life? Define what you want to lay a solid foundation for your spouse’s recovery.

Next, know there are no shortcuts. Once you’ve found a rehab facility – and finding the right center is a vital step in and of itself, sometimes – you need to recognize once your loved one enters the facility, they are out of your hands for several weeks to months, at least. You cannot rush the rehab process without potentially lessening its efficacy or negating its effect entirely. Let the program – 12 steps, 90 days, whatever you, your spouse and the rehab clinical experts agreed to at the beginning of the process – run its course for the best results.

Now you plan the intervention. Here, you and your allies will confront your spouse about their addiction and present their need for help to them, convincing them they need to enter rehab if they ever hope to end their addiction.

There are several questions you must ask before you initiate an intervention, as the answers will shape your confrontation and what you must do to safely achieve positive results. Those questions include “How are they likely to respond?” “Do they have weapons” “Who are they likely to respond best to?” “Who controls their money” “Have they made threats to themselves or others” and “What are the laws in your state to get people help?”

Make sure you know the answers, or likely answers, before you confront your spouse. Safety and success alike will likely depend on it.

Finally, stay aware of your spouse’s progress. Once they’re into rehab, while their progress and success is primarily their own responsibility, it’s important for you to know how they’re doing and what you’ll need to do to help them when they return home.

Getting your spouse the help they need is possible. By carefully taking the right steps, you can get your spouse into rehab and aid them in their battle with addiction.