Struggling through the rehab experience, the patient can find themselves feeling isolated and aimless, unmoored from the addiction that previously formed the center of their life and unable to find guidance to a new way to live. Finding such a source of solace and guidance can help an addict greatly to find greater and more lasting recovery and one of the greatest such sources is clearly the Holy Bible.

By exploring the benefits of Bible study in rehab, patients can make their recovery more successful.

You might find it hard to find a connection between perusing a Bible and receiving treatment for substance abuse, but it’s a more natural pairing than you might think. The Bible has served as a source of spiritual guidance and object lessons for centuries and it can do the same for those working their way through addiction treatment.

There are a number of biblical verses and passages that can provide encouragement and comfort alike for anyone in the midst of trials and tribulations, and rehab can certainly qualify for that for many patients, particularly in the early stages of the process. The Bible contains stories of heroes and heroines who had to undergo serious challenges and overcome great difficulties, providing positive examples for those in need of such stories.

Exploring the Benefits of Bible Study in Rehab

There are various ways to try and implement Bible study in treatment. You can try and study it on your own, without any particular program in mind, but there are various guides and study programs available, particularly for those looking for certain aspects. You can also join a study group, whether organized by the program itself or by the patients.

Depending on the treatment program you are in, studying the Bible can be directly implemented into treatment itself. While a secular program will leave any Bible study up to you on your own time, a faith-based program will likely make Bible study a major part of treatment for those who are willing to partake.

At Good Landing Recovery, Bible study is an integral part of the faith-based program. Patients are encouraged to read and learn from scripture, taking to heart the lessons of biblical patriarchs and the heroes of the faith, as well as taking solace in the promises and blessings of God related throughout the Gospel.

A Christian emphasis on a spiritual recovery process makes Bible study an important aspect of treatment, allowing patients to not only find comfort in the Word of God, but also in each other as they bond over their shared study of the Word.

At Good Landing, Bible study is emphasized in all ways to make the recovery process a greater success and make for a better, more lasting recovery. Studying the Bible is not only a good thing for treatment, but also early recovery and beyond, helping throughout rehab and beyond to resist cravings, avoid relapse and remain healthy and stable in recovery.

It’s important to go into treatment with an understanding of what Bible study can do for you throughout the recovery process. Exploring the benefits of Bible study in rehab can be rewarding for you. Give Good Landing a call today and let them help you start now.