When treating addiction, it’s natural to lean on a variety of techniques and strategies developed by doctors and presented through some sort of accredited program or another. And these are certainly important, necessary aspects of treatment. But there is another, spiritual tool that can be equally efficacious if the addict turns to it: prayer.

For those willing to believe in it, the power of prayer in addiction recovery can be incredible in the addict’s life.

A faith-based addiction treatment facility will use some of the same strategies and approaches a secular facility will, but there is also an additional spiritual dimension overlayed on such an approach that adds an entirely different level to the program.

The role of prayer is an important part of the spiritual element of faith-based treatment. It demonstrates an acknowledgement of and dependence on a higher power and the effect such a power can have on your life.

At a Christian treatment facility like Good Landing Recovery, prayer is an especially important element of the treatment experience. Prayer is vital in connecting the patient with God and finding a spiritual connection in one of the most trying times of their life. It is more than just asking for things – prayer is not wishing and hoping blindly you get what you want. Prayer is a conversation with the divine, communing with God in a way that can bring inner peace and a reliance on a spiritual level on what God can do for you.

Prayer alone will not cure your addiction. You can’t just ask God to get rid of your substance abuse problem and expect it to magically go away while you take no actions toward addressing the problem otherwise. It is not a mystical panacea that will end every concern, nothing else needed.

The Power of Prayer in Addiction Recovery

You will still need to go through the treatment process, do the hard work to address addiction and find ways to resist cravings and find techniques to meet the challenge of reaching recovery and avoiding relapse. But prayer will give you a lifeline to a strength beyond your own, the chance to connect with divine ability to assist you.

At Good Landing Recovery, prayer is not just a tool, it’s a vital part of spiritually treating addiction not just at the mental and physical level, but in your very soul. As a faith-based program, the same doctors and therapists who assist you in therapy and group sessions will also be there for spiritual counseling and, yes, to pray for you as you need it.

And even after leaving treatment, prayer remains an important part of the recovery process. The danger of relapse is ever-present for the recovering addict, particularly in early recovery, and the addict will need coping mechanisms to deal with that threat. 

Prayer is an excellent method for coping with cravings and addiction triggers. Even in secular treatment, meditation is recommended as a useful coping mechanism, and prayer is an even stronger method, connecting you with a higher power rather than just your own inner strength.

The power of prayer in addiction recovery cannot be overstated. For the patient looking for a spiritual element to their addiction treatment, prayer is an important part of such an approach.

At Good Landing Recovery, prayer can be instituted as a vital part of an addict’s recovery process, helping you put your treatment and recovery in the hands of God. Give them a call today and let them start helping you, through prayer and so much more.