When the average person hears about Christian or faith-based rehab, they likely don’t have a particularly positive reaction to the concept. They also probably don’t have a very accurate idea of what it really means.

While the modern worldview tends to perceive religion as the opposite of science, and therefore incompatible with something such as medical treatment, the modern faith-based approach works by combining faith and science to promote evidence-based practices in Christian rehab.

The modern concept of a hard divide between science and religion has developed over centuries, though it is based more on anecdotes and feelings than actual practice. For any popular story about a scientific advance that was resisted by religious believers, there are counter-arguments about devout people of faith who made scientific discoveries we still rely on today.

We’re not here to hash out a long-running argument about the contrasting roles of faith and science, however. We are looking at how faith and science can work with one another to foster greater recovery in substance abuse treatment through evidence-based practices.

On first hearing about the idea of Christian rehab, the neophyte is likely to expect little more than an unlicensed preacher without medical training praying over the addict for a cure with no expectation of actual medical treatment involved. And that may be happening in some places.

But mainstream Christian rehab is a far cry from that approach. It occurs in licensed facilities with trained medical professionals pursuing proper clinical treatment options and evidence-based practices.

Evidence-based practices in addiction treatment are options that use research and scientific consensus to guide decisions in the best way to help a patient. Rather than simply use treatments based on tradition or rumor, it pursues options proven to work with other patients in a clinical setting.

Such practices can include the use of certain medications or therapies with a demonstrable track record in research and treatment fields. These are the very strategies used by secular rehab facilities with success and Christian rehab facilities use them as well with great efficacy.

Combining Faith and Science: Evidence-Based Practices in Christian Rehab

The primary difference is a Christian rehab facility combines such evidence-based practices with a faith-based approach and philosophy. They emphasize the need for Christ to help fill the void left by addiction and substance abuse, demonstrating that faith can serve as an effective way to avoid relapse. There’s even some prayer, though no one expects any miraculous cures. Rehab is hard work, but a Christian rehab approach can make it easier.

Good Landing Recovery is a Christian rehab center that uses such an approach to help its patients find recovery from substance abuse. It uses evidence-based practices at the core of its treatment but also has a faith-based approach designed to complement the clinical options for maximum efficacy. 

Good Landing will happily serve patients without religious beliefs and does not insist any client convert to receive treatment. But it does believe its faith-based approach combines faith and science in a way that more effectively treats patients than just one alone.

Give Good Landing a call today and discover what evidence-based practices in Christian rehab can do for you.