The idea that there are certain personalities that are inclined to addiction more than others isn’t entirely true. Anyone can fall into addiction, regardless of “warning signs” or lack thereof, and some with so-called addictive personalities may go their entire lives without falling into such a cycle.

Still, there are certain traits and conditions that can possibly signal a higher chance of developing an addiction if the right circumstances arise. People who demonstrate such traits should be extra careful when dealing with potentially addictive substances to avoid falling into repeated use and a potential cycle of substance abuse.

Here are some common addictive traits and what they can mean for those who have them:

1. Related to others who have addictions. There is research that some people with addiction demonstrate genetic markers that suggest they are more inclined to addiction than others. Alcoholism, for instance, has been shown to run in families. Like every trait on this list, being related to an addict is not a guarantee you could find yourself struggling with the same addiction, but it is a warning sign to possibly stay clear of addictive substances.

2. Mental disorders. People who struggle with other mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder and others, have been shown to sometimes be more likely to develop an addiction than others. Sometimes certain substances can actually ease the symptoms of certain conditions but lead to addiction in their own right.

3. Risk-taking behaviors. People with poor impulse control and a tendency to take risky chances are more likely to try drugs. Some of them are also more inclined to develop an addiction due to dopamine levels in the brain linking one one trait to the other.

4. Obsessive-compulsive types. People with this sort of behavior are more likely to develop addiction if they try drugs as they integrate substance abuse into their obsessive behaviors.

5. Inability to self-regulate. Most of these various traits fall into this larger umbrella, as people who have trouble regulating their behavior find themselves more inclined to overuse and abuse a substance once they start taking it. This can quickly become dangerous with certain substances and can be damaging in the long-term even with less deadly substances, presenting the problems of long-running addiction and the cycle thereof.

None of these traits are sure-fire signs that a person will develop addiction and face substance abuse in their future. But they do present a warning that such behavior could arise if the circumstances present themself.

If you do fall into a cycle of addiction, turn to a rehab facility such as Good Landing Recovery, which can help you break the cycle and find true recovery from substance abuse.

They can help you fight the effect of addictive traits and find recovery through their faith-based treatment program. No matter what contributing issues to your addiction might exist, Good Landing can help you overcome them and find a way out of the cycle of addiction. Give them a call today.