Addiction is no respecter of persons. Race, creed, gender, all of these considerations that can mean so much to people are mostly meaningless to addictive substances, which can latch on to a person no matter who and what they are. However some factors can affect how addiction manifests and how others perceive those struggling with addiction, and gender is one of those things.
But with proper care and the right approach, treatment can work in empowering women in recovery, overcoming challenges, and encouraging triumphs at every turn.
Women are no more prone to turning to substance abuse than men — in fact, historically, more men have struggled with addiction than women, though women are closing that gap in recent years — but they are, in fact, prone to growing addicted to drugs or alcohol quicker than men are, for entirely biological reasons.
Women have less of the stomach enzyme that breaks down alcohol, it turns out, which leads to greater blood alcohol concentration. Women also have more fatty tissue than men, so alcohol is better absorbed into the bloodstream. Similar considerations can affect how women process addictive drugs, as well, which means that while women are no more likely than men to start using drugs, once they do start, they’re faster to grow addicted.
For different reasons, women are also sometimes less likely to seek treatment or be diagnosed correctly with substance abuse issues. Social stigma and traditional gender expectations push women into the role of nurturer, one who takes care of others, rather than one who seeks help for themselves. Women are more likely than men to have childcare responsibilities that might make them reluctant to go into a long-term rehab program, and fear of losing custody of children due to a history of substance abuse makes them uncomfortable with admitting their addiction.

Women can sometimes have trouble getting doctors to correctly diagnose them, as some doctors can let gender expectations color their evaluations, sometimes actually failing to even ask if there’s a history of substance abuse that might explain certain symptoms in a female patient.
But if a woman can move beyond the fear and stigma attached to addiction and seek treatment, they can find that rehab can empower them to overcome substance abuse and find true recovery from their addiction.
Women are actually less prone to relapse than men, for instance, once they actually do reach recovery. Statistically, a woman who leaves rehab and moves into recovery is better prepared than a similar man to stay out of rehab a second time and find themselves in a better position for success in their long-term recovery.

At Good Landing Recovery, the program is designed to work with women struggling with substance abuse and empower them to overcome their addiction. They are familiar with the challenges women face in seeking treatment and will work with the patient to ensure they triumph over their addiction in the end.
Women face a variety of challenges in the modern world, but substance abuse doesn’t have to be one of them. If you’re struggling with addiction, call Good Landing today to seek treatment and let them empower you to find lasting recovery amid all the challenges and triumphs of rehab.