Looking for a rehab facility, whether for yourself or a loved one, is hardly like trying to book a hotel. You’re not just looking for a decent bed in the right location, but for a place with the right approach to treatment and care that will meet the needs of you and your loved ones. So the question quickly arises: how do you choose the right rehab facility?

You can try your luck, of course: flip the page to the right section of the Yellow Pages and pick the most appealing name in the rehab section. Or, for those who aren’t still bound to phonebooks, take the digital equivalent of that approach, enter “rehab facility” in the search engine bar and click on the first link that pops up.

It might be the simplest way to choose a rehab facility, but it's hardly the most informed approach.

This is your health or the health of a loved one, after all, and their life and future. This is not something you’ll want to treat with the casual feel of a coin flip.

You’ll want to research local options, and options farther out, too, if you feel they might be better suited to your needs. You’ll need to take a look not only at each facility’s website, but also look for reviews and comments from others who have been there.

If possible, you may want to talk to the doctors or administrators of the facility, and get a tour, too, to find out if it has the right amenities and treatment options alike for the case at hand.

You’ll want to consider the methodology of each rehab facility: what is its approach to addiction and treatment? And what is their success rate? Their relapse rate?

Some of this information will be easier to acquire than other aspects will be, but the more thorough you are in discovering everything you can about each rehab facility, the more informed you’ll be when it comes to making a decision and, therefore, the better able you’ll be to make what is hopefully the right decision for your situation.

And then there’s the need to consider how important faith is in your decision.

For those looking for a Christ-centered treatment space, or simply looking for a rehab center that offers a strong core of spiritual truth in place of slogans and platitudes, a faith-based rehab center with a Christian orientation could be just the answer to finding the right rehab facility.

Even for those who aren’t terribly religious, the statistics speak for themselves. Studies have shown those who attend a faith-based rehab facility are at less risk of relapse than those who attended similar but secular facilities.

You want a strong medical background to your treatment, too, of course, but it IS possible to find a Christian rehab facility that combines strong faith-based treatment plans with certified medical staff and approved methodologies.

In fact, there’s one answer that may well be the solution to your rehab facility search: Good Landing Recovery, which has all the benefits of a standard rehab center with the added benefits of a faith-based approach that draws on Christian beliefs to work for patients fighting addiction.

Take a look and find out if it’s exactly what you need in finding a rehab facility.