Alcohol rehab can take multiple forms, but one of the most common forms of treatment comes from in-patient rehab, in which an addict spends 45, 60 or even 90 days in a clinical setting working to defeat their addiction to alcohol and find recovery.

But what is an in-patient alcohol rehab program actually like?

Alcohol rehab typically takes a similar shape across the industry – patients spend time working to spend time abstaining from alcohol to clear it from their system, then spend additional time in various therapy session and workshops learning coping mechanisms and behaviors to help them resist further use of alcohol once they’ve ended treatment and re-entered the world and resumed normal routines and behaviors.

In-patient alcohol rehab programs do just that, but with the patient remaining within the facility or surrounding campus for the entirety of a predetermined duration of the program.

The addict will arrive at the rehab facility with little in hand beyond some clothes and essential personal items and once checked in, they will remain at the facility until the program concludes. The duration of the program will vary depending on the program and on the patient’s needs, but programs of between 60 and 90 days are most common. The longer the program, the more time the patient has to distance themselves from alcohol consumption and the behavioral patterns that accompany it in their life, as well as more time for the doctors and staff to treat the patient and work with them for the greatest benefits and most successful results.

During the early part of the program, the patient may have limited contact with friends and family as the program works to establish early rapport with the patient and work through early resistance that may come from the effects of withdrawal and possible anger and resentment on behalf of the patient as they struggle with their addiction.

It’s important for the patient to realize they are not being punished or held in captivity. They will be able to contact others later in the program, and earn other benefits and privileges, as they work through the program and find success in short-term goals through sessions and other therapeutic methods.

Many alcohol rehab programs will include a 12-step program or similar methodology, in which the patient takes responsibility for their health but also learns accountability for fellow alcoholics, sometimes through a buddy system or other form of group observation and aid.

At a faith-based, Christian rehab center such as Good Landing Recovery, such programmatic work is accompanied by a religious focus not seen in secular programs, in which clients learn to look for help and guidance from God and find greater accountability through a spiritual approach to their alcohol dependency and work toward recovery.

Overall, alcohol rehab facilities, particularly those of the in-patient variety, are essential parts of helping alcoholics and others struggling with alcohol abuse find healing and recovery from their addiction and accompanying burden. In-patient alcohol rehab has helped countless people find true recovery. Let it help you, too.