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Drug Addiction

Guiding You Through Your Road to Recovery by
Treating the Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit.

If your loved one is addicted to drugs or alcohol, you naturally want to help them. Good Landing is here to assist you by providing you with as much information as we can about addiction and drug rehab.

By helping your loved one choose to work with our program, you’re helping them choose to live a life full of happiness, love, and faith. Our treatment program addresses the cause of each patient’s addiction, helps them learn appropriate coping mechanisms, and provides them with the tools they need to live a sober life.

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Drug Addiction Defined

Drug addiction is a disease, there’s no doubt about it. However, it’s not like other diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure. It’s an insidious foe that has thoroughly convinced the addict that it’s not an issue. They don’t see any problem with their drug addiction. It has warped their mind to the point that the addiction is normal and anything that works against their addiction is not.

Addiction is complicated, which makes drug rehab complicated. No one simply decides one day that they’re going to be an alcoholic or a drug addict. They don’t suddenly decide to make their addiction the most important thing in their life. It happens gradually over time that it’s hard for the addict to see just how much it has affected their life.

The myths associated with drug addiction don’t help either. Despite what some people say, drug addicts aren’t lacking in any way. They’re not helpless or hopeless. They simply need love and support. They need you, they need Good Landing, and they need to have faith that they can change through drug rehab.

The final part of the definition of addiction is that it’s almost always a symptom, not the cause. There’s often a reason your loved one turned to drugs or alcohol. There’s something else causing them pain that they haven’t addressed. Without addressing this cause, they won’t be able to move away from their addiction.

The Drug Rehab Process

There are a number of different treatment options for addicts. We work with each addict to determine which approach or approaches will work best for them. When an addict walks through our doors, they’ve already taken the first step in the process: they’ve admitted they have a problem and need help. This is where you can be an active supporter and source of help to your loved one. You can provide them with information about Good Landing and help them see how addiction has affected their life and how drug rehab can help.

Patients will go through the detox process once they give up using drugs regularly. This process can be very dangerous for addicts who used regularly or used a large amount of drugs recently. The safest option is for an addict to go through detox with the help of a medical professional. Some drugs can have very severe detox side effects, including seizures and fatal heart attacks. Once your loved one has fully detoxed, they can begin moving forward in their drug rehab and on their path to sobriety.

While the process of drug rehab is personalized, recovery does include at least one form of therapy. Most addicts sit down with a counselor and discuss their addiction, its cause(s), and their own progress in sobriety. These therapy sessions generally continue on a weekly or bi-weekly basis after leaving Good Landing. Some recovering addicts continue seeing a therapist for years.

We offer two other forms of therapy: group therapy and family therapy. In group therapy, participants learn that they are not alone. They build bonds with other recovering addicts and learn to lean on each other. Where individual therapy is designed to provide your loved one with the tools they need to remain sober, group therapy is designed to give them a support system of others who deeply understand addiction and how it affects someone.

This doesn’t diminish your own support or the support your loved one will get from family and friends. However, addiction is an experience that it’s very hard to fully grasp unless you’ve been there. This is why addicts are encouraged to seek out a local support group after they complete the rehab process.

Family therapy is very useful for our patients with addiction rooted in family concerns. This safe space allows the addict to sit down with their family members and discuss past instances that fed into the addiction. Even those whose addictions aren’t tied to a family experience can benefit from this type of therapy. It teaches family members how to help the addict and support them during recovery.


What Addictions Does Good Landing Treat?

Marijuana Addiction Treatment

Marijuana has become legal in many states for medical needs, and a handful of states have even legalized it fully. This has led some to believe that marijuana has no negative side effects and that it’s not addictive. This isn’t true. Marijuana may be legalized, but just like many legal medications, it’s possible to become addicted to it. When abused, marijuana has a number of side effects and can lead down the same path as any drug addiction. If you know someone who is abusing marijuana, please reach out to us today. Good Landing Recovery offers marijuana addiction treatment services to those who have begun abusing this drug.

To understand how marijuana can be addictive, you need to understand how it affects the brain and body. It’s also helpful to understand how these effects can be helpful to some and where the line between using marijuana responsibly and addictive lies.

The active ingredient in marijuana that makes people high is called THC. When a person smokes marijuana, THC enters the lungs and quickly passes into the bloodstream. From there, it’s carried to the brain and other parts of the body. THC attaches to the cannabinoid receptors in the brain. Normally, these receptors are activated by naturally-produced chemicals. The body produces these chemicals to help the brain function and develop correctly. However, the amount produced is much less than the amount of THC ingested from marijuana.

While many people do smoke marijuana, some choose to eat it. It still produces the same effect, although it takes longer to get into the bloodstream from the stomach.

Once THC has bonded with the cannabinoid receptors in the brain, the user will start feeling its effects. Most of these receptors are found in areas of the brain connected with perception, coordination, thinking, memory, and pleasure. When they’re overstimulated by high amounts of THC, the user enters an altered state of perception and feeling. When high, users may experience the following:

  • Slowed reaction time
  • Difficulty thinking and solving problems
  • Difficulty remembering things
  • Changes in appetite
  • Impaired coordination
  • Altered perception of time
  • Changes in mood

According to a number of studies, abusing marijuana by using it daily or by using high amounts of it can lead to physical and mental health issues. It can also result in users getting less satisfaction from any other activity besides getting high. The end result is similar to other addictions in that the user begins focusing solely on chasing the high and neglects school, work, hobbies, and relationships.

There are some specific health risks that marijuana users may experience:

  • They may develop a regular cough or other breathing conditions due to repeated smoking.
  • They may be more at-risk for lung infections, the flu, and other respiratory diseases.
  • Their immune system will be weaker.
  • Heavy use of marijuana can damage the central nervous system and brain.
  • They may develop fertility issues.
  • Their blood pressure and heart rate may become elevated.

There are other types of risks that come from abusing marijuana, and these risks aren’t limited to those who are addicted to the substance. Using marijuana irresponsibly can be just as dangerous. For example, someone who gets high and then drives may not have the reaction time needed to prevent an accident. A parent who smokes marijuana may not recognize that their child is in need of help until it’s too late. Marijuana has also been linked to depression, anxiety, and a general lack of motivation.

It’s important to note the difference between THC and CBD now that CBD is so widely available. Both are naturally found in marijuana plants, but they don’t have the same properties. THC is what creates the “high” effect. CBD, on the other hand, does not give users the euphoric highs that make marijuana potentially addictive. It does, however, have many of the medicinal benefits as marijuana. If you know someone using CBD oil, know that they’re not getting high, nor are they becoming addicted to marijuana. Overall, CBD is a safer alternative to medical marijuana with some, though fewer, side effects.

If you know someone who has begun abusing marijuana, they need to get marijuana addiction treatment. If someone exhibits some of the following, they’re likely addicted to marijuana:

  • They crave the high that using marijuana brings.
  • They always have marijuana on hand.
  • Their tolerance has increased, so they need to use more and more of the drug to get high.
  • They’ve tried and failed to stop.
  • Their use of marijuana has affected their work, relationships, and other activities.
  • They spend money on marijuana instead of on other necessities.

When a patient comes to Good Landing for treatment, we first sit down with them and discuss their marijuana use. We want to know how long they’ve used the drug, why they started using it, and how often they use it. This gives us a look at their history with marijuana and how it has affected their lives.

Marijuana addiction treatment is similar to other drug rehab. At Good Landing Recovery, we have a holistic, faith-based approach that includes medically proven therapies. Sometimes, those who are abusing marijuana are not fully addicted, but still need help controlling their habit. For these individuals, outpatient rehab is often the solution. They’re often psychologically addicted. Their body doesn’t physically crave marijuana, but they mentally believe they need it to function. We will help them learn healthy coping mechanisms to overcome this type of addiction.

For those who are addicted, partial or full in-patient therapy is recommended. While only a small percentage of marijuana users do develop physical addiction, it happens. This type of addiction is just as strong as an addiction to heroin, cocaine, and other hard drugs. When these users stop using marijuana, they experience withdrawal. We will work with them to deal with these symptoms and overcome their addiction.

We’re here to help anyone overcome the psychological or physical marijuana addiction they’ve developed. If you or a loved one are abusing or addicted to marijuana, please reach out to Good Landing today. We will help you get control of your life back from this addiction.

Meth Addiction Treatment

Methamphetamine, more commonly known as meth, is a stimulant that is incredibly addictive. People who use meth often find themselves addicted almost immediately. The boost of energy that meth gives makes it a very tempting drug for those who always feel behind, but that high comes and goes quickly. In order to keep the energy going, the user has to take more and more meth. If your loved one is addicted to this substance, it’s time to talk to them about it. Good Landing Recovery offers meth addiction treatment in a safe, Christian environment.

Meth is an illegal drug that is similar to medications such as Adderall. Those medications, classified as amphetamines, are highly regulated due to their addictive properties. These medications are also only prescribed to treat medical conditions such as narcolepsy or ADHD. Meth, on the other hand, has no medicinal purposes. It’s made and sold illegally to make people high. Unfortunately, more than a million people in the U.S. are addicted to meth.

In addition to being shortened to meth, methamphetamine is also known by a wide variety of other names (aka street names), including the following:

  • Crystal or crystal meth
  • LA Ice
  • Chalk
  • Hot Ice
  • Speed
  • Crank
  • Blue
  • Glass
  • Blade
  • Poor man’s cocaine
  • Tina
  • Biker’s coffee


Like many other drugs, meth changes the chemistry in the brain. It activates the part of the brain that creates the neurotransmitter dopamine. This chemical is the one that creates a feeling of satisfaction and happiness at a job well done. Many normal actions cause the brain to release dopamine, but the amount released isn’t very much. Meth, however, changes that. It makes the brain create more and more dopamine, pushing past what is a safe level.

With repeated use over time, though, meth begins to affect how the brain reacts to dopamine. It damages and then fully destroys the receptors that register dopamine. This makes it much more difficult for the person to naturally feel happy and satisfied. They then must rely on meth to have these feelings. Everything that used to give the person joy no longer does, so they begin to focus everything on their meth addiction. While it’s possible the brain can heal if the addiction is treated quickly, many people end up with permanent damage. This is one reason why many going through meth addiction treatment may need an intervention.

There are a number of reasons why meth is incredibly dangerous. In addition to the damage it does to the brain, it also affects the body in a number of different ways:

  • Meth affects the part of the brain that triggers the hunger response. As a result, users stop eating as much and are likely to lose a dangerous amount of weight very quickly.
  • Because it’s a stimulant, people who abuse meth often find it very difficult to sleep. A lack of sleep has been medically shown to greatly affect many parts of the body.
  • Meth also increases the user’s body temperature. The body responds to this by sweating, which can lead to dehydration.
  • Users often develop osteoporosis, leading to weaker bones and teeth.
  • Damage to the kidneys, liver, and lungs. If used for long periods of time, meth can cause permanent damage to these organs.
  • Meth also affects the user’s behavior. It can lead to paranoia, aggressive outbursts, and hallucinations.

Here at Good Landing Recovery, we work to address all of these health issues in addition to the addiction. Our drug rehab programs help recovering meth users learn about proper diet and exercise. We assist them with creating and sticking to a regular sleep and meal schedule. We also provide anger management counseling and family therapy to help everyone the addiction affected heal.


While the dangers listed above can certainly be observed in your loved one, they’re often more long-term effects. It’s also easy for the user to blame something else for their weight loss, lack of sleep, and even their aggression. To truly help show your loved one that they’re abusing meth, you need to look for some of the short-term effects, too.

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Increased energy, especially bursts of energy
  • Heavy breathing
  • Dry mouth
  • A general attitude of being excited all the time
  • Being more irritable, especially between highs
  • Nervousness
  • Tremors
  • Sweating

You may also start to notice their meth use cycle. They will be excited, happy, and in general “up” after they use, but then they will crash. This is when they become irritable, angry, and depressed. If they go too long without using, these symptoms will become even more evident. Many users start to immediately take more meth as soon as they recognize the crash coming. This can lead to going without sleeping or eating for days at a time.

Our team approaches all addictions with a holistic view. We treat more than just the addiction—we help our patients become well physically, mentally, and spiritually. While helpful with all addictions, this method is especially helpful with meth because the drug affects the patient in many different ways. We work with them to begin eating right, exercising, and sleeping regularly. We will also help them find the medical and dental specialists who can help them repair the damage meth has wrecked on their bodies.

Mentally and spiritually, our patients work with counselors to learn how to control their emotions and address their dependence on meth. Patients learn how to deal with any suicidal thoughts their addiction brought to the surface and how to reach out to those they have hurt. Spiritually, we encourage all of our patients to put their faith in Christ. We ask that they accept his grace and his forgiveness so that they can begin rebuilding their lives from a solid foundation.


If you believe your loved one is abusing meth, you may not know what to do. We’re here for you, too. Our team at Good Landing can provide you with resources that can help you cope with your loved one’s actions and help show them that they’re in need of help. Please reach out to us today to talk to us about your loved one’s meth addiction.

Good Landing treats a wide variety of addictions, including the following:

  • Alcoholism
  • Opioid addiction
  • Meth addiction
  • Heroin addiction
  • Cocaine addiction
  • Crack addiction
  • Prescription medication addiction
  • Other forms of drug addiction

We treat these addictions through our partial hospitalization and outpatient rehab programs. Addicts will go through detox, therapy, and other forms of treatment. A patient’s treatment plan may

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These services provided encompass a wide variety of therapeutic settings and intervention modalities.